Software development

The Future of Payments, Today

Our software provides a comprehensive suite of payment solutions, combining several important functionalities into a single, unified system.


Who we are?

We are a leading software development company


Our payment services software tools cover a wide range of functionalities, addressing diverse payment processing needs, ensure security and compliance, and support seamless integration with other systems.

By covering these areas comprehensively, our solution provides a reliable, secure and user-friendly payment experience for both merchants and customers.

Our solutions are designed to meet the evolving needs of modern businesses, ensuring that they are well-equipped to handle current and future payment challenges and enabling businesses to expand their global reach effortlessly.

Our Platform

Core functionalities and features


Payment processing with omni-channel capabilities.

  • Credit/Debit card payments processing by integration with major card networks Visa, MasterCard, American Express.
  • Bank transfers support for ACH, SEPA, SWIFT and other direct bank transfer methods.
  • Integration with digital wallets like Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay.

Multi-Currency Support

  • Real-time currency conversion to handle payments in different currencies seamlessly.
  • Working with local currencies by displaying prices and accepting payments in multiple currencies.
  • Improved customer experience by catering to international audiences with familiar pricing and payment options.

Comprehensive reporting and analytics

  • Generation of detailed reports on transactions history, revenue trends and customer behavior, providing valuable insights for informed decision-making.
  • Access to real-time analytics to monitor transaction trends and performance, helping quickly adapt to market changes.

Advanced user management

  • Highly secure user login and authentication (OAuth, 2FA).
  • Management of user profiles, including payment methods and preferences.
  • Access of control by defining and managing user roles and permissions.

Reliable Customer Support

  • Integrated ticketing system for handling customer inquiries and disputes.
  • Dedicated customer support available round-the-clock to assist with any issues or queries in the form of live chat, ensuring minimal downtime and smooth operations.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

  • Intuitive and user-friendly interfaces that enhance the payment experience for both customers and administrators.
  • Efficiently manage recurring payments and subscriptions with automated billing and proration, reducing manual work and improving customer satisfaction.

Advanced security features

Enhanced security and compliance

  • Ensure compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.
  • Encrypt sensitive data both in transit and at rest.
  • Replace sensitive card information with secure tokens.
  • Implement 3D Secure authentication for an additional layer of security

Fraud Detection and Prevention

  • Integrated fraud detection mechanisms using machine learning algorithms and real-time monitoring to prevent fraudulent activities and chargebacks.
  • Assigning risk scores to transactions to identify suspicious activities and management of lists with trusted and suspicious users.

Additional experience features

Enhanced Merchant Experience

  • Easy Onboarding. Streamlined merchant onboarding process, reducing the time and effort required to start using the payment services.
  • Comprehensive dashboard and tools for managing transactions, monitoring performance and accessing support.
  • Tools for managing merchant accounts, including settlement and payouts.
  • Automated KYC/AML checks for merchants.

Seamless Integration and Flexibility

  • Developer-Friendly APIs. We provide comprehensive APIs for integrating payment functionalities into websites and mobile apps.
  • Support for webhooks to notify external systems about payment events.
  • Provide software development kits (SDKs) for various programming languages and platforms.

Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management

  • Tools to automate compliance with financial regulations, reducing the administrative burden on businesses.
  • Stay updated with the latest regulatory changes and industry standards, ensuring ongoing compliance.
  • Comprehensive risk management features to help businesses identify and mitigate potential risks associated with payment processing.

Why We

Where innovation meets security

Why do you make the right choice by starting cooperation with us?


Cost Efficiency

  • Our solutions offer competitive pricing with transparent fees, helping businesses to manage and reduce payment processing costs.
  • Advanced fraud prevention and secure transaction processing lead to fewer chargebacks, saving costs associated with disputes and refunds.
  • Streamlined integrations with popular software ensure a smooth and efficient payment experience, saving you time and resources.

Scalability and Flexibility

  • Our software is built on a modular architecture that allows to scale their payment processing capabilities and adapt to new market demands.
  • Our software is highly customisable, allowing businesses to tailor the payment process to meet their specific needs and integrate with their existing systems effortlessly.
  • Leveraging cloud technology for flexible and scalable payment processing, ensuring high availability and performance.

Innovation and Future-Readiness

  • Cutting-Edge Technology. Stay ahead with the latest technological advancements in payment processing. Incorporation of the latest technological advancements, such as blockchain and AI, to provide innovative payment solutions.
  • Continuous Improvement. Regular updates and enhancements based on user feedback and industry trends to ensure your payment systems remain competitive and efficient.

Our approach

Our techniques to developing comprehensive payment service software

System Architecture

Designing a scalable and modular architecture to handle varying loads and feature expansions.

User Experience (UX)

Creation of intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for both end-users and administrators.

API-First Approach

Developing robust APIs to ensure seamless integration with other systems and platforms.



Choosing modern frameworks like React.js, Angular, or Vue.js for responsive web interfaces.


Using scalable and reliable backend technologies such as Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), Java (Spring Boot).


Selecting databases that ensure data integrity and security, like PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB.

Security Tools

Integrate security tools for encryption (SSL/TLS, AES), authentication (OAuth 2.0, JWT).


Agile Methodology

Use agile development practices for iterative development and continuous feedback.

Payment Gateway Integration

Integrate with major payment gateways (Stripe, PayPal, Square) through their APIs.

Fraud Detection Integration

Implement fraud detection services (Kount, Riskified) to monitor transactions.

Third-Party Services

Integrate other necessary services like tax calculation, currency conversion, and email notifications.



Get in touch

Send a request to our email address [email protected] or use form below.
